May 6-11
I returned from Seattle last Saturday with a new appreciation for policy making, and a temperature of 102. I am sure I infected the whole plane and probably started a pandemic, but at the time I just thought that the last three weeks worth of miles had finally caught up with me. It was the flu. I have been forging ahead at a frenetic pace since January, because I know that my time is limited and I would like to leave a positive impact on education before the next TOY is announced in the fall. It has been go, go, go with a schedule that makes me tired just looking at it. In the meantime, I feel like Cinderella at the ball, eventually midnight will hit, the magic will disappear, and my coach will turn back into a pumpkin, but I am going to savor every moment until the clock strikes 12.
I returned from Seattle last Saturday with a new appreciation for policy making, and a temperature of 102. I am sure I infected the whole plane and probably started a pandemic, but at the time I just thought that the last three weeks worth of miles had finally caught up with me. It was the flu. I have been forging ahead at a frenetic pace since January, because I know that my time is limited and I would like to leave a positive impact on education before the next TOY is announced in the fall. It has been go, go, go with a schedule that makes me tired just looking at it. In the meantime, I feel like Cinderella at the ball, eventually midnight will hit, the magic will disappear, and my coach will turn back into a pumpkin, but I am going to savor every moment until the clock strikes 12.
Needless to say, my illness knocked me for a loop. Actually it knocked me on to my couch where I stayed for a few days under orders to rest and hydrate. My mom came to the rescue and delivered some food on Sunday which was much needed, although she only dropped in quickly to escape from my plague-ridden house. I haven't been home in three weeks and had no food in the fridge, so her delivery was much appreciated. Thanks Mom! I also got a delivery of home-made egg rolls from my next door neighbors, who found out I was sick. They were delicious and I really appreciated someone looking out for me.
The state Dept. of Ed also launched an Educator Spotlight page which features me as the debut educator. I wonder how they will choose the next 11 months worth? There was no criteria on the website.
Alas, no lunch invitation from the governor for Teacher Appreciation Week, but are you really surprised? Can I tell you that when I met up with the other 53 State TOYS we all had to submit a picture of us winning our award, and I was one of the only teachers who did not have a picture with the governor. The rest of the teachers from around the country were shocked to find out that I had never met him. Heck, I have been working a floor below the Commissioner since January and I have not had a conversation with him either. Bad form. Don't tell me what you value. Show me your behavior (and budget) and I will show you what you value. (Modified quote of Joe Biden's)
Even the Fed's showed teacher love. Here I am in the picture working on Project RESPECT. the Fed's showed teacher love. Here I am in the picture working on Project RESPECT.
I went back to Trenton on Wednesday, particularly because I needed to go to some training I had to cancel on Monday, and managed to cough on enough people that they told me not to come back until I felt better. Too bad the schedule was already packed for the rest of the week, and besides I was tired of staying home. I had dinner in Princeton with a good friend on Wednesday and got to share some of my DC memories. It still doesn't seem like it was real.
Thursday I managed to catch up with my friend and mentor who was responsible for getting me into teaching in the first place. I hadn't seen him since the beginning of the year and much has changed in my life since then. But lucky for me, when you have known someone for 25 years, they don't let you take yourself too seriously. He is my Yoda, my Jedi Master of teaching, and I always learn something when we hang out. Lunch was good and I needed to get myself grounded after the last few weeks.
Thursday night I joined the ladies of Delta Kappa Gamma in a dinner to award a scholarship to a young lady who will be pursuing the field of education. It was nice to see all the ladies of DKG, and of course awarding a scholarship is always a reason to be proud. Education is the great equalizer, and giving someone a hand so that they don't graduate with so much debt, especially an education major, can make a huge difference.
As part of Teacher Appreciation week, I was also featured on One on One with Steve Adubato on Thurs. They showed a clip from Classroom Close up and then we had a nice conversation about it. Notice my leopard print shoes. Grrrrrr. (I will try to get the video posted, I am having trouble downloading it.)
Friday, it was off to Woodstown School district to check out how they were doing as one of the pilot districts for teacher evaluation. It was nice to get to talk to people at all levels and see how they believed things were working. It was very informational for those of us teachers who are not in the pilot, but need to make some decisions.
I was able to wrap up Teacher Appreciation Week by having the best night ever, at the Prom! I promised the kids I would be there ages ago and so I donned my purple sparkly dress and headed over. I can't tell you how good it felt to hear shrieks of "Miss D!" as I was attacked with hugs from my students. I may have been feeling a little under the weather, but seeing those kids was just what the doctor ordered. In the meantime, here are some pics of me with faculty members.

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