Thursday, June 14, 2012

Going to the Chapel...(The Dixie Cups)

May 21-29
I was excited for the start of this week. I was coming home and speaking at my own Burlington County Teacher of the Year awards.  I gave it my best shot and left it all on the floor, but the audience reaction was a little subdued.  Puzzling...these were my peeps, where was the hometown love?  Did it say more about my speech or about the state of education in Burlington County? I had to leave before it was over because I had to get to a meeting about those monster applications I had finished scoring on Friday, so I did not get the chance to talk to chat at the end of the ceremony.   However, I did get a lovely message from the Superintendent of the Year (SOY?), Chris Manno of Burlington Township, who loved my speech and wants me to come address his faculty and staff on the first day of school. 

Tuesday, it was back to Kean University for their Intern Recognition program.  It was great to see not only the outstanding students honored, but also their cooperating teachers and supervisors.  It really drove home the idea that teaching is a collaborative process.  Sorry no pictures of me here, but it was a hot, humid day and my hair developed a mind of its own.  I am not putting evidence of that online!

After the last two days, I was feeling a little funky about things and decided to do some retail therapy.  I was hunting for a pair of shoes, which always make me feel better, when I got the email congratulating me on winning NJ History Teacher of the Year from Gilder Lehrman.  What an honor!  I worked hard on the application and came up with what I thought were two dynamic lesson plans.  Not only do I win, but my school gets an archive of materials and my school becomes an affiliate school where they will now have access to all sorts of lessons and primary sources.  Huzzah for us!  Many thanks also to all of my fellow STOYs from around the country who wrote to offer their congratulations.  Such a gracious group of educators.  

By Thursday, it was time for an EPAC meeting about teacher evaluation at Rider University, but after lunch I was off to the airport.  I was a to be a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding, in Atlanta GA!  I was good friends with both the bride and groom, (Stef and Bob) and was very happy they were finally tying the knot.  It was boiling hot, but the happy couple just glowed (or maybe it was the perspiration).

With Becky - Bob's youngest and my buddy.
With Bob, the groom

With my travel buddies Brenda and Ellen after the reception.  We had melted!

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